Sampoerna Agro Tbk PT (Hutan Ketapang Industri PT)
Natural rubber assessment- Latest update: March 2024
- Next scheduled: March 2025
ESG scores:
The following scores are based on the totals of all environmental, social and governance (ESG) indicators. Some indicators apply to more than one E, S or G issue.
Supply chain scores:
The following scores are based on ESG indicators relevant to specific segments of the natural rubber supply chain.
Some indicators apply to multiple segments. Please refer to the scoring criteria for further details.
Parent company:Twinwood Family Holdings SFO Limited
Landbank97,891 hectares
Market cap:233,996,655 USD
Thomson Reuters ticker:SGRO.JK
Bloomberg ticker:SGRO IJ Equity
Activities:Natural rubber cultivation
Locations:Indonesia (West Kalimantan)
Related companies:The company is also assessed on SPOTT Palm Oil Sampoerna Agro Tbk PT. In 2007 PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk signed a joint venture with Triputra Agro Persada Group PT which is assessed on SPOTT Palm Oil.
Parent website:
Media Monitor
- ZSL's SPOTT team monitors international media for news on assessed companies, collecting articles about pertinent activities. They don't confirm the accuracy of the media coverage, but it can be leveraged by SPOTT users to gain insights into a company's operations and possible risks. To access this company's media reports, scroll down or click here.
Company assessment: Sampoerna Agro Tbk PT (Hutan Ketapang Industri PT) – March 2024
Assessment date:
- Organisation: 21.5 / 26 82.7%
- Policy: 37.5 / 42 89.3%
- Practice: 37.5 / 46 81.5%
- Self-reported: 3.8 / 46 8.2%
- External: 16.3 / 46 35.3%
Sustainability policy and leadership9 / 10 90%
- Organisation: 5.5 / 6 91.7%
- Policy: 1 / 1 100%
- Practice: 2.5 / 3 83.3%
- Self-reported: 1 / 3 33.3%
- External: 1.5 / 3 50%
1. Sustainable natural rubber policy or commitment for all its operations?
The company has published a sustainable natural rubber policy which covers all rubber operations.
2. Sustainable natural rubber policy or commitment applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
3. High-level position of responsibility for sustainability?
The company reports Bona Ranto Pasaribu as the head of sustainability.
4. One or more members within the board of the company have responsibility for sustainability?
The company states that its Research and Development Director is responsible for directing the implementation of strategies and policies related to sustainability.
5. Percentage or number of women in senior management team?
10% - The company reports a combined figure of 12 (10%) women in the senior management team and other managers. No separate figure is reported for the senior management team only.
6. Percentage or number of women board members?
0% - The company reports that all six board members are male.
7. Member of multiple industry schemes or other external initiatives to reduce negative environmental or social outcomes associated with natural rubber production?
[Externally verified] The company's operating subsidiary is a member of FSC and an initiative for the sustainable management of natural resources in Ketapang District, Indonesia.
8. Collaboration with stakeholders to reduce negative environmental or social outcomes associated with natural rubber production?
The company reports that it has collaborated with parties such as Manggala Agni and NGOs to conduct outreach and training on handling and controlling land and forest fires. Further, it has also collaborated with West Kalimantan BKSDA and the internal environment team to monitor the population of sun bears and orangutans in the concession areas and conduct joint patrols to prevent encroachment and prevent fires.
9. Sustainability report published within last two years?
The company's latest Sustainability Report, integrated into its Annual Report which was published in 2022.
10. Reports through standardised reporting systems?
The company's Annual Report 2022 is prepared in accordance with GRI 1: Foundation 2021.
11. Climate risks assessment available?
[Externally verified] The company has published a climate risk assessment summary. Some evidence is externally verified by a Tanjungpura University which collaborated on some aspects of the assessment.
Landbank, maps and traceability8 / 8 100%
- Organisation: 7 / 7 100%
- Policy: 0 / 0 0%
- Practice: 1 / 1 100%
- Self-reported: 0 / 1 0%
- External: 1 / 1 100%
12. Lists countries and operations?
Plantations (Indonesia).
13. Lists countries sourcing from?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
14. Total land area managed/controlled for natural rubber (ha)?
97 - The company reports that it has 97,891.38 ha of total land area managed/controlled for natural rubber. Data as of December 2022.
15. Total natural rubber planted area (ha)?
22899 - The company reports that it has 22,899 ha of total natural rubber planted area. Data as of December 2022.
16. Scheme smallholders/outgrowers planted area (ha)?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers. .
17. Unplanted area (areas designated for future planting) (ha)?
26 - The company has 26,780.85 ha of unplanted area. Data as of December 2022.
18. Conservation set-aside area, including HCV area (ha)?
46 - The company has 46,772 ha of conservation set-aside area. Data as of December 2022.
19. Maps of estates/management units?
A geo-referenced map is available for the company's natural rubber operations.
20. Management plans for natural rubber production are available for all estates/management units?
A forest management plan is covering all producing operations.
21. Monitoring of management plan implementation available for all estates/management units?
[Externally verified] The company's forest management and monitoring implementation plan is available in its FSC audit report 2020.
22. Maps of all scheme/outgrower smallholders?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers. .
23. Maps of all third-party supplying industrial estates/management units?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers. .
24. List of jurisdictions where sourcing from smallholders?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
25. Number of company owned natural rubber processing facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
26. Maps of company owned natural rubber processing facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
27. Number (or percentage) of company-owned processing facilities that source from company-owned operations and third parties?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
28. Reports total volumes (or percentages) sourced by company-owned processing facilities that come from company's own operations and third-parties?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
29. Number of company owned natural rubber manufacturing facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company does not operate manufacturing facilities.
30. Maps of manufacturing facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company does not operate manufacturing facilities.
31. Number of third party supplying processing facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
32. Maps of all third party supplying processing facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
33. Number (or percentage) of third party supplying processing facilities that source from their own plantations and third party plantations?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
34. Reports total volume (or percentages) sourced from third-party supplying processing facilities that come from the supplying facilities' own operations and third parties?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
35. Total volume (or percentage) sourced for manufacturing that comes from intermediary traders rather than directly from processing facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company does not operate manufacturing facilities.
36. Time-bound commitment to achieve 100% traceability to processing facility level?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
37. Percentage of supply traceable to processing facility level?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
38. Time-bound commitment to achieve 100% traceability to industrial plantation level?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers. .
39. Percentage of supply from own processing facilities traceable to industrial plantation level?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
40. Percentage of supply from third-party processing facilities traceable to industrial plantation level?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
41. Time-bound commitment to achieve 100% traceability to jurisdictional level for smallholders?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
42. Percentage of supply from own processing facilities traceable to smallholder at jurisdictional level?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
43. Percentage of supply from third party processing facilities traceable to smallholders at jurisdictional level?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
Certification standards/Sustainability initiatives3 / 6 50%
- Organisation: 0 / 1 0%
- Policy: 1 / 2 50%
- Practice: 2 / 3 66.7%
- Self-reported: 1 / 3 33.3%
- External: 1 / 3 33.3%
0 / 1
44. Member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR)?
0 / 1
45. Submitted self-declaration form for the Sustainable Natural Rubber Initiative (SNR-i)?
46. Percentage area (ha) FSC certified?
The company has 97,891.38 ha of natural rubber operations and is 100% FSC FM certified.
47. Time-bound plan for achieving FSC FM certification of estates/management units?
The company is already 100% FSC FM certified.
48. Percentage of scheme/outgrower smallholders (ha) FSC-certified?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
49. Time-bound plan for achieving FSC certification of scheme/outgrower smallholders?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
50. Percentage of natural rubber supply (tonnes) from independent smallholders/outgrowers/third-party natural rubber suppliers that is FSC-certified?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
51. Percentage of all natural rubber products handled/traded/processed (tonnes) that is FSC-certified?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
52. Percentage area (ha) PEFC certified (excluding FSC certified area)?
This indicator is disabled as the company is 100% FSC FM certified.
53. Certified under voluntary sustainability certification scheme?
[Externally verified] The company has SVLK PHPL (Sustainable Forest Management) certification.
0 / 1
54. Commitment to become 100% certified under voluntary sustainability certification scheme?
Deforestation and biodiversity13 / 15 86.7%
- Organisation: 0.5 / 1 50%
- Policy: 5.5 / 7 78.6%
- Practice: 7 / 7 100%
- Self-reported: 0 / 7 0%
- External: 3 / 7 42.9%
0 / 1
55. Commitment to zero conversion of natural ecosystems?
56. Commitment to zero conversion of natural ecosystems applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
57. Commitment to zero deforestation?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Policy for Association (FSC-POL-01-004 V2-0). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certification/membership. The company also commits to no development in High Conservation Value (HCV), High Carbon Stock (HCS) and peatland areas in its own reporting.
58. Commitment to zero deforestation applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
59. Criteria and cut-off date for defining deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certified landbank (either 100% or >75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company's own reporting defines deforestation as the removal of HCV and HCS areas and specifies any deforestation/conversion past 1st October 2019 will not be accepted.
60. Criteria and cut-off date for defining deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion in supplier operations?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
61. Evidence of monitoring deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion?
[Externally verified] In October 2022 the company monitored deforestation via transects across its operations. Information is externally verified by the local government agency managing conservation areas (BKSDA).
62. Evidence of monitoring deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion in supplier operations?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
63. Amount of deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion recorded in own operations since cut-off date?
The company reports instances of illegal logging in 2020, 2021 and 2022. However, no figure for instances or the area logged since the company's cut-off date could be found.
64. Amount of deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion recorded in supplier operations since cut-off date?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
65. Commitment to restoration of deforestation/conversion in own operations since cut-off date?
The company commits to restore ecosystems in their own operations to their prior condition. The cut-off date beyond which deforestation/conversion is not accepted, and therefore will be restored, is 1st October 2019.
66. Commitment to restoration of deforestation/conversion in supplier operations since cut-off date?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
67. Implementing a landscape or jurisdictional level approach?
[Externally verified] The company has published a report with the local government agency that manages conservation areas detailing joint patrols to prevent encroachment, poaching and fires.
68. Biodiversity policy?
The company has a biodiversity policy in which it commits to protect biodiversity in its conservation areas and as part of the South Ketapang Landscape Conservation Intiative. However, there is no clear time-bound biodiversity target in the policy.
69. Biodiversity policy applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
70. Identified species of conservation concern, referencing international or national system of species classification?
[Externally verified] The company has identified several species of conservation concern, referencing the IUCN Red List and CITES. Evidence is externally verified by FSC FM audit and Hatfield consultants.
71. Examples of species and/or habitat conservation management?
Comprehensive, externally verified points have been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC FM certification (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2) as the requirements fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria. Additional points have been awarded according to the percent of company landbank certified by FSC. The company also reports that it conducts surveys on sun bears, orangutans, and pangolins to know more about the population density in the concession areas.
72. Commitment to no hunting or only sustainable hunting of species?
The company commits to no hunting of all species in its operations.
73. Commitment to no hunting or only sustainable hunting of species applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
74. Commitment to protect areas from illegal activities?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certified landbank (either 100% or ?75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years).
75. Commitment to protect forest areas from illegal activities applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
76. Evidence of protecting forest areas from illegal activities?
Comprehensive, externally verified points have been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC FM certification (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2) as the requirements fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria. The company also reports that it conducts joint patrolling to prevent land burning, encroachment, illegal logging and hunting in the concession area.
HCV, HCS and impact assessments6 / 8 75%
- Organisation: 0 / 0 0%
- Policy: 3 / 3 100%
- Practice: 3 / 5 60%
- Self-reported: 0 / 5 0%
- External: 3 / 5 60%
77. Commitment to conduct High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Policy for Association (FSC-POL-01-004 V2-0). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certification/membership.
78. Commitment to conduct High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
1 / 1
79. High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments available for all new plantings since 1st April 2019?
[Externally verified] One HCV assessment covering both concession blocks is available. Evidence is externally verified by Ekologika.
1 / 1
80. High Conservation Value (HCV) management and monitoring plans available for all new plantings since 1st April 2019?
[Externally verified] An HCV report covering both concession blocks contains an HCV monitoring plan. Evidence is externally verified by Ekologika. A monitoring report is also available on the subsidiary company's website.
81. Commitment to the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach?
The company commits to apply the HCS Approach, as defined by the HCS Approach Toolkit.
82. Commitment to the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
0 / 1
83. High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments available?
0 / 1
84. Peer review of all High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments undertaken since April 2015 by the HCSA Quality Assurance Process?
85. Commitment to conduct social and environmental impact assessments (SEIAs)?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certified landbank (either 100% or ?75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company also commits to conduct social and environmental impact assessments in its own reporting.
86. Commitment to conduct social and environmental impact assessments (SEIAs) applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
1 / 1
87. Social and environmental impact assessment (SEIAs) undertaken, and associated management and monitoring plans?
[Externally verified] The company has published an SEIA report prepared by Hatfield consultants.
Soils, fire and GHG emissions12.5 / 16 78.1%
- Organisation: 3 / 4 75%
- Policy: 5 / 6 83.3%
- Practice: 4.5 / 6 75%
- Self-reported: 0 / 6 0%
- External: 2.5 / 6 41.7%
88. Commitment to no planting on peat of any depth?
The company commits to no planting on peat of any depth.
89. Commitment to no planting on peat of any depth applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
1 / 1
90. Landbank or planted area on peat (ha)?
The company reports no landbank on peat as of 2023.
91. Implementation of commitment to no planting on peat of any depth?
This indicator is disabled as the company has reported in the last two years that it has no peat in its operations.
92. Commitment to best management practices for soils and peat?
The company reports that it does not have operations on peatland. The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC-certified landbank (either 100% or >75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company also commits to best management practices for soils and peat in its own reporting.
93. Commitment to best management practices for soils and peat applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
94. Evidence of best management practices for soils and peat?
Comprehensive, externally verified points have been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC FM certification (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2) as the requirements fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria. Additional points have been awarded according to the percent of company landbank certified by FSC. The company's FSC FM report also states that the company uses Mucuna bracteata as a cover crop to protect the soil from erosion, shield the soil from weeds or plants, and provide nitrogen fixation. The company reports that it does not have operations on peatland.
95. Commitment to best/sustainable tapping practices?
The company commits to sustainable tapping practices.
96. Commitment to best/sustainable tapping practices applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
97. Evidence of best/sustainable tapping practices?
[Externally verified] The company has published research it conducted with academics to evaluating production techniques. including tapping. Information is externally verified as it is written by academics external to the company.
98. Commitment to zero burning?
The company commits to zero burning.
99. Commitment to zero burning applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
0.75 / 2
100. Evidence of fire monitoring and management?
[Externally verified] The company provides a map of hotspots and evidence of reporting hotspots to the local government. Further, it reports that it has a firefighter team, a fire monitoring tower, and a forest fire truck. It also provides training on forest and land fire control and has established procedures for fire patrol and forest fire alert. Evidence is externally verified by the FSC and local governments. However, the information is over two years old.
1 / 1
101. Details/number of hotspots/fires in company estates/management units?
The company reports a number of fire incidents that occur in each month of 2022.
102. Details/number of hotspots/fires in suppliers operations/jurisdictions?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
103. Time-bound commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?
The company only reports being committed to reduce its GHG emissions into the atmosphere and increase the absorption of GHGs from the atmosphere. However, a time-bound commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity is not reported by the company.
104. GHG emissions?
In 2022, the company's scope 1 emissions totalled 11,921 tCO2e in 2022, and scope 2 emissions 3 tCO2e in 2022.
0 / 1
105. GHG emissions from land use change in company's own operations (scope 1)?
106. GHG emissions from land use change in supplier operations (scope 3)?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
107. Progress towards commitment to reduce GHG emissions?
[Externally verified] The company's scope 1 and 2 emissions both increased in 2022 when compared to 2021. Scope 1 (2021): 8,481 tCO2e, (2022) 11,921 tCO2e. Scope 2 (2021) 0 tCO2e, (2022) 3 tCO2e. Evidence is externally verified by New Forests.
108. Methodology used to calculate GHG emissions?
New Forests' GHG emissions methodology is aligned to the GHG Protocol.
Water, chemical and pest management12 / 15 80%
- Organisation: 1 / 2 50%
- Policy: 5 / 6 83.3%
- Practice: 6 / 7 85.7%
- Self-reported: 0 / 7 0%
- External: 0 / 7 0%
109. Time-bound commitment to improve water use intensity?
The company only has a general commitment to reduce its water use and does not report a time-bound commitment to improve its water use intensity.
0 / 1
110. Water use intensity?
0 / 1
111. Progress towards commitment on water use intensity?
112. Time-bound commitment to improve water quality (BOD or COD)?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
113. Progress towards commitment on water quality (BOD or COD)?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
114. Treatment of effluents from processing facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
115. Treatment of effluents from manufacturing facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company does not operate manufacturing facilities.
116. Commitment to protect natural waterways through buffer zones?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certified landbank (either 100% or ?75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company also commits to protect natural waterways through buffer zones in its own reporting.
117. Implementation of commitment to protect natural waterways through buffer zones?
Comprehensive, externally verified points have been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC FM certification (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2) as the requirements fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria. Additional points have been awarded according to the percent of the company landbank certified by FSC. The company also reports that it has SOPs and maps in place for its existing buffer zones. However, the information is over two years old.
118. Reducing odours from natural rubber processing or manufacuring facilities?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
119. Commitment to minimise the use of chemicals, including pesticides and chemical fertilisers?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certified landbank (either 100% or ?75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company also commits to minimise the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides in its own reporting.
120. Commitment to minimise the use of chemicals, including pesticides and chemical fertilisers, applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
121. Commitment to no use of paraquat?
The company commits to not use paraquat.
122. Commitment to no use of paraquat applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
123. Commitment to no use of World Health Organisation (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides?
The company commits to not use World Health Organisation (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides.
124. Commitment to no use of World Health Organisation (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
125. Commitment to no use of chemicals listed under the Stockholm Convention and Rotterdam Convention?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certified landbank (either 100% or ?75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company also commits to no use of chemicals listed under the Stockholm Convention and Rotterdam Convention in its own reporting.
126. Commitment to no use of chemicals listed under the Stockholm Convention and Rotterdam Convention applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
127. Chemical usage per ha or list of chemicals used?
The company has published a list of pesticides and fertilisers used to produce natural rubber.
1 / 1
1 / 1128. Implementation of commitment to minimise inorganic fertiliser usage?
Comprehensive, externally verified points have been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC FM certification (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2) as the requirements fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria. Additional points have been awarded according to the percent of the company landbank certified by FSC.
129. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach?
Comprehensive, externally verified points have been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC FM certification (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2) as the requirements fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria. Additional points have been awarded according to the percent of company landbank certified by FSC. The company also reports an integrated pest management approach. Further, the company also does manual pest control by picking and removing pests. In addition to this, it implements biological pest control through organic pesticides and the utilisation of natural predators.
Community, land and labour rights27.25 / 30 90.8%
- Organisation: 4.5 / 5 90%
- Policy: 13 / 13 100%
- Practice: 9.8 / 12 81.3%
- Self-reported: 0 / 12 0%
- External: 4.3 / 12 35.4%
130. Commitment to human rights?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Policy for Association (FSC-POL-01-004 V2-0). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certification/membership. The company also reports its own commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
131. Commitment to human rights applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
132. Progress on human rights commitment?
[Externally verified] The company reports that it has a committee that is responsible for monitoring human rights within the company, and minutes of meetings are also available. However, it is unclear whether human rights issues have been addressed in meetings or not. This information is externally verified by the local government.
133. Commitment to respect Indigenous and local communities' rights?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Policy for Association (FSC-POL-01-004 V2-0). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certification/membership. The company also commits to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (no. 169).
134. Commitment to Indigenous and local communities' rights applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
135. Commitment to respect legal and customary land tenure rights?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certified landbank (either 100% or ?75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company also reports its own commitment to respect legal and customary land tenure rights.
136. Commitment to legal and customary land rights applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
137. Commitment to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC)?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC-certified landbank (either 100% or ?75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company also commits to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) in its own reporting.
138. Commitment to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
139. Details on Free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) process available?
The company provides the details of the FPIC process.
140. Examples of local stakeholder engagement to prevent conflicts?
Limited, externally verified points have been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC FM certification (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2) as the requirements do not fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria. The company also reports an example of stakeholder engagement to prevent potential conflicts. Evidence shows that there is a dedicated social team and that the company meets with affected parties. This information is externally verified by a local government official. However, the information is between two and five years old.
141. Details of process for addressing land conflicts available?
The company has published its land conflicts resolution process.
142. Supports the inclusion of women across natural rubber operations, including addressing barriers faced?
[Externally verified] The company provides an example to ensure that women are consulted in stakeholder engagement processes. Evidence is verified by SGS.
143. Commitment to mitigate impacts on food security?
The company states a commitment to increasing food security for local communities.
144. Progress on commitment to mitigate impacts on food security?
[Externally verified] The company reports that it has a CSR program 'Pertanian Terpadu' to empower the economies of farmer groups through integrated agriculture and fish cultivation. Evidence is externally verified by the local government. However, certain information is between two and five years old.
145. Commitment to provide essential community services and facilities?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC certified landbank (either 100% or ?75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company also reports its own commitment to provide essential community services.
146. Progress on commitment to provide essential community services and facilities?
Comprehensive, externally verified points have been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC FM certification (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2) as the requirements fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria. Additional points have been awarded according to the percent of company landbank certified by FSC. The company also reports that it has supported the road repair initiatives of village and regional governments. Further, it has provided support for the renovation of community services offices such as the village head office, sector police headquarters, and district offices.
147. Commitment to provide business/work opportunities for local communities?
The company commits to provide work opportunities for local communities.
148. Commitment to Fundamental ILO Conventions or Free and Fair Labour Principles?
The company commits to Free and Fair Labour Principles.
149. Commitment to Fundamental ILO Conventions or Free and Fair Labour Principles applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
150. Progress on commitment to respect all workers' rights?
Comprehensive, externally verified points have been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC FM certification (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2) as the requirements fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria. Additional points have been awarded according to the percent of company landbank certified by FSC.
151. Commitment to eliminate gender related discrimination with regards to employment?
The company commits to prevent employment-related discrimination based on gender.
152. Commitment to eliminate gender related discrimination with regards to employment applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
153. Progress on commitment to eliminate gender related discrimination with regards to employment?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). As the requirements do not fully meet the SPOTT indicator criteria partial points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC-certified landbank (either 100% or >75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years).
154. Percentage or number of temporary employees?
2.93% - The company reports that it has 258 (2.93%) temporary employees in 2022.
155. Percentage or number of women employees?
14.22% - The company reports 1,252 (14.22%) women employees in 2022.
156. Commitment to pay a living wage?
The company already pays a living wage to its workers.
157. Commitment to pay a living wage applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
158. Progress on commitment to pay a living wage?
[Externally verified] The company has done a living wage evaluation and determined the provincial minimum wage is slightly higher than the living wage. Figures have been verified by the local government.
159. Reporting of salary by gender?
The company reports the basic wage for men and women but does not report wages according to GRI 405, i.e. the ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men for each employee category, by significant locations of operation.
160. Commitment to address occupational health and safety?
The company makes this commitment through the FSC Principles and Criteria (FSC-STD-01-001 V5-2). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's FSC-certified landbank (either 100% or ?75% and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years). The company also reports its own commitment to address occupational health and safety.
161. Commitment to address occupational health and safety applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
162. Provision of personal protective equipment and related training?
[Externally verified] The company delivers PPE and assigns training to all relevant staff. Evidence is externally verified by the Ketapang District Government Manpower and Transmigration Office.
163. Time lost due to work-based injuries?
The company reports the total working hours lost due to work accidents as 116.179 hours, based on a 40-hour workweek in 2022.
164. Number of fatalities as a result of work-based accidents?
The company reports two fatalities as a result of work-based accidents in 2022.
Smallholders and suppliers0 / 0 0%
- Organisation: 0 / 0 0%
- Policy: 0 / 0 0%
- Practice: 0 / 0 0%
- Self-reported: 0 / 0 0%
- External: 0 / 0 0%
165. Commitment to support smallholders?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
166. Percentage of supply from smallholders?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
167. Programme to support scheme smallholders/outgrowers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
168. Percentage of scheme smallholders/outgrowers involved in programme?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
169. Programme to support independent smallholders?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
170. Percentage of independent smallholders involved in programme?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
171. Process used to engage smallholder suppliers on compliance with company's policy and/or legal requirements?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
172. Number or percentage of smallholder suppliers engaged on compliance with company's policy and/or legal requirements?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
173. Process used to prioritise, assess and/or engage non-smallholder suppliers on compliance with company's policy and/or legal requirements?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers. .
174. Number or percentage of non-smallholder suppliers assessed and/or engaged on compliance with company's policy and/or legal requirements?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers. .
175. Suspension or exclusion criteria for suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers. .
176. Time-bound action plans (including Key Performance Indicators) for suppliers to be in compliance with natural rubber sourcing commitments?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
177. Proportion of supply from suppliers that is verified as deforestation- and/or conversion-free (DCF)?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
178. Percentage of supply coming from agroforestry?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
Governance and grievances5.75 / 6 95.8%
- Organisation: 0 / 0 0%
- Policy: 4 / 4 100%
- Practice: 1.8 / 2 87.5%
- Self-reported: 1.8 / 2 87.5%
- External: 0 / 2 0%
179. Commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption?
The company commits to ethical conduct and the prohibition of corruption.
180. Commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption applies to all suppliers?
This indicator is disabled as the company reports that it does not have any suppliers, including smallholder suppliers.
181. Progress on commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption?
The company reports that it has established a 'Corporate Compliance Committee' (CCC) to ensure that it has the appropriate system required to train employees regarding legal responsibilities. Further, it also conducts training on ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption. This information is not externally verified.
182. Disclosure of the company's management approach to tax and payments to governments?
The company provides its taxation policy and states that the CFO is responsible for its review.
183. Whistleblowing procedure?
The company has a whistleblowing system including information on how to report unethical conduct, steps taken, and how whistleblowers are protected.
184. Own grievance or complaints system open to all stakeholders?
The company has its own grievance handling mechanism open to all stakeholders.
185. Details of complaints and grievances disclosed?
The company discloses details of complaints and grievances, including the following details: date, issue, complainant category, actions taken, and status.
SPOTT scores are based on the presence of external evidence made available by the company or third-parties.
April 2023
Kebijakan Keberlanjutan (Sustainability Policy)
No date
Sustainability in Motion - Sampoerna Agro Tbk PT - WEBPAGE
Annual Report
No date
Member - FSC - WEBPAGE
April 2020
Pembentukan Sekretariat Bersama Multi Pihak Dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Yang Berkelanjutan Di Kabupaten Ketapang (Establishment of a Secretariat With Multi Inside Parties Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Ketapang District)
Laporan Kegiatan Pengelolaan Dan Pemantauan HCV (HCV Management and Monitoring Activity Report)
October 2022
Rencana Pengelolaan Hutan (Forest Management Plan)
No date
Climate Risk Assessment
December 2022
Peruntukan Kawasan (Area Allocation)
Forest Management and Stump to Forest Gate Chain of Custody Surveillance Evaluation Report - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
Blok Air Hitam - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
Blok Kendawangan - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
Forest Management and Stump to Forest Gate Chain of Custody Certification Evaluation Report - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
No date
FSC COC certificate - Southland Resources Co Ltd (Thamphannara)
No date
Daftar Klien Ruang Lingkup PHL (PHL Scope Client List) - PT Inti Multima Sertifikasi - WEBPAGE
March 2020
Forest Management and Stump to Forest Gate Chain of Custody Certification Evaluation Report - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
Kegiatan Patroli Pengamanan Hutan Laporan (Patrol Activities Forest Safeguarding Report)
December 2022
Kegiatan Patroli Pengamanan Hutan Laporan (Patrol Activities Forest Safeguarding Report)
Laporan Perlindungan Hutan Tahun (Annual Forest Protection Report)
Rencana Rehabilitasi Areal Konservasi (Conservation Area Rehabilitation Plan)
July 2019
Inisiatif Lanskap Ketapang Selatan (Landscape Initiative South Ketapang)
March 2021
Laporan Patroli Bersama Perlindungan Hutan Tahu (Annual Forest Protection Joint Patrol Report)
December 2023
Kebijakan Keanekaragaman Hayati (Biodiversity Policy)
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
List Flora dan Fauna (List of Flora and Fauna)
No date
Planet - Sampoerna Agro Tbk PT - WEBPAGE
November 2022
Forest Management and Stump to Forest Gate Chain of Custody Surveillance Evaluation Report - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
Laporan Pelaksanaan - Pengelolaan Dan Pemantauan Lingkungan (RKL-RPL) (Implementation Report - Environmental Management and Monitoring (RKL-RPL)
October 2023
June 2023
Training Report
Hutan Ketapang Industri 2022 Emissions and Removals
Peta Buffer Zone
January 2022
Laporan LKS Bipartit ke Dinas (Bipartite LKS report to the Department)
April 2022
Pencatatan Lembaga Kerjasama Bipartit (Registration of Bipartite Coorperation Institutions) - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
January 2022
Pernyataan Tentang Magyarakat Adat (Statement Regarding Indigenous Communities)
September 2018
Tali Asih Penggarapan Lahan Konsesi (Tali Asih Cultivation of Concession Land)
March 2021
Contoh Penyelesaian Konflik (Examples of Conflict Resolution)
July 2018
Resolusi Conflik (Conflict Resolution) - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
Annual Report
March 2023
Form Monitoring & Evaluasi (M and E) Kegiatan CSR (Monitoring & Evaluation (M and E) Form for CSR Activities)
Annual Report
Pengembangan Ekonomi Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar (Economic Development of Freshwater Fish Cultivation)
July 2018
Hak Asasi Pekerja, Kebebasan Berserikat Dan Penghapusan Diskriminasi (Ras and Etnis) Pekerja (Workers' Human Rights, Freedom of Association and Elimination of Discrimination (Race and Ethnicity) of Workers
August 2021
Forest Management and Stump to Forest Gate Chain of Custody Surveillance Evaluation Report - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
January 2024
Pemerintah Kabupaten Ketapang Dinas Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi (Ketapang Regency Government, Department of Manpower and Transmigration)
December 2021
Penetapan Upah (Wage Determination)
July 2023
December 2022
Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan di Perusahaan (Mandatory Employment Reporting at the Company)
No date
Home - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri - WEBPAGE
July 2023
Code of Ethics
Kebijakan Pajak Grup (Group Tax Policy)
Whistleblowing Policy
August 2022
Monthly Manager Report - PT Hutan Ketapang Industri
Media monitor: Sampoerna Agro Tbk PT (Hutan Ketapang Industri PT)
SPOTT monitors global media sources for coverage of assessed companies. The media monitor gathers reports about specific activities related to the assessment indicator categories. ZSL does not assess or score the validity of media coverage, but users can explore the media monitor to provide context on implementation, and infer risks associated with reported operations on the ground. The media monitor undergoes a full update at the time of publishing an assessment round, with ad-hoc updates throughout the year. This is not an exhaustive list of all media reports relevant to the company.
September 2024
Energi Biomassa Ancam Hutan Kalimantan Barat (Biomass Energy Threatens West Kalimantan Forests)
January 2022
Warga Desa Suka Mukti OKI Berang, Lahan Mereka Terendam Banjir Dampak Saluran Air Ditutup Perusahaan (Villagers Suka Mukti OKI Angry, Their Land Was Flooded Due to the Closure of Waterways by the Company)
September 2019
Sampoerna Agro Tanggapi Penyegelan PT HKI oleh KLHK (Sampoerna Agro Responds to the Sealing of PT HKI by KLHK)
September 2019
Walhi presses for stringent measures against firms behind forest fires
September 2019
Three companies with offices in Singapore fingered for involvement in haze
August 2019
11 Perusahaan Perusak Lingkungan Rugikan Negara Rp18 Triliun (11 Companies Damaging the Environment to the State Losses Rp18 Trillion)
Media monitor: Sampoerna Agro Tbk PT (Hutan Ketapang Industri PT)
SPOTT monitors global media sources for coverage of assessed companies. The media monitor gathers reports about specific activities related to the assessment indicator categories. ZSL does not assess or score the validity of media coverage, but users can explore the media monitor to provide context on implementation, and infer risks associated with reported operations on the ground.
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