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United Plantations Bhd

Palm oil assessment
  • Latest update: November 2024
  • Next scheduled: November 2025

Show media reports (6) Show ESG scores Show supply chain scores Modify score weighting
  • Parent company:
    United International Enterprises Ltd
  • Landbank (oil palm)
    57,864 hectares
  • Market cap:
    2,646,400,000 USD
  • Thomson Reuters ticker:
  • Bloomberg ticker:
    UPL MK Equity
  • Sedol:
  • LEI:
    No LEI
  • RSPO member?
  • Website:
  • Media Monitor
    • ZSL's SPOTT team monitors international media for news on assessed companies, collecting articles about pertinent activities. They don't confirm the accuracy of the media coverage, but it can be leveraged by SPOTT users to gain insights into a company's operations and possible risks. To access this company's media reports, scroll down or click here.

Company assessment: United Plantations Bhd – November 2024

Assessment date:

Score by disclosure type:

Total: 96.1% 179.65 / 187
  • Organisation: 39 / 39 100%
  • Policy: 77 / 78 98.7%
  • Practice: 63.7 / 70 90.9%
  • Self-reported: 8.8 / 70 12.6%
  • External: 36 / 70 51.4%
  • Certified: 18.9 / 70 26.9%
  • Sustainability policy and leadership Sustainability policy and leadership
    10.25 / 11 93.2%
    • Organisation: 6 / 6 100%
    • Policy: 2 / 2 100%
    • Practice: 2.3 / 3 75%
    • Self-reported: 1.5 / 3 50%
    • External: 0.8 / 3 25%
    • Certified: 0 / 3 0%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      1. Sustainable palm oil policy or commitment for all its operations?

      The company meets this indicator through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company has also published its own sustainable palm oil policy.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      2. Sustainable palm oil policy or commitment applies to all suppliers?

      The company has published a sustainable palm oil policy which applies to all suppliers.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      3. High-level position of responsibility for sustainability?

      Group Sustainability Committee - Group Manager Human Resources, Sustainability and Safety (HRSS).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      4. One or more members within the board of the company have responsibility for sustainability?

      Chief Executive Director (CED)- Dato' Carl Bek-Nielsen.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      5. Reports gender balance of senior management team?

      0 (0%) - The company reports no female members as a part of its senior management team in 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      6. Reports gender balance of board members?

      1 (12.5%) - The company's board of directors is made up of seven male and one female member. Data as of 2023.

    • P
      0.75 / 1

      7. Member of multiple industry schemes or other external initiatives to reduce negative environmental or social outcomes associated with palm oil production?

      [Externally verified] The company is a member of the POCG.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      8. Collaboration with stakeholders to reduce negative environmental or social outcomes associated with palm oil production?

      The company reports that its BioD Team collaborated for the second time with the Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation Agency (BKSDA - Ministry of Environment and Forestry) Kalimantan Tengah to undertake an orangutan population survey in a forest corridor connecting PT SSS Kumai Estate to Tanjung Puting National Park (TPNP). The company also reports collaboration with the Copenhagen Zoo to better manage the conservation areas by preserving and conserving species of flora and fauna as well as their habitat and entire ecosystem.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      9. Sustainability report published within last two years?

      The company published its latest sustainability report in 2024, covering the year 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      10. Reports through standardised reporting systems?

      The company has submitted CDP questionnaires for forests, water security, and climate change in 2023.

    • N

      11. Verification report on compliance with POIG Charter, if a POIG member?

      This indicator is disabled as the company is not a POIG member.

    • P
      0.5 / 1

      12. Climate risks assessment available?

      The company has published a summary of a climate risk assessment and cites TCFD recommendations. The company reports some metrics and targets relating to GHG emissions, waste, and water and a summary of the processes used to assess or manage climate risks. A full climate risk assessment is not included.

  • Landbank, maps and traceability Landbank, maps and traceability
    27.91 / 28 99.7%
    • Organisation: 19 / 19 100%
    • Policy: 2 / 2 100%
    • Practice: 6.9 / 7 98.7%
    • Self-reported: 0 / 7 0%
    • External: 1 / 7 14.3%
    • Certified: 5.9 / 7 84.4%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      13. Lists countries and operations?

      Malaysia (plantations, mills and refineries), Indonesia (plantations and mill).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      14. Lists countries sourcing from?

      Malaysia and Indonesia.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      15. Total land area managed/controlled for oil palm (ha)?

      57864 - The company reports a total area of 57,864 ha which covers oil palm plantations (including plasma smallholders). RSPO ACOP 2023 reports the total area managed for palm oil as 57,894.00 ha.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      16. Total oil palm planted area (ha)?

      46227 - The company reports the total area planted with oil palm as 46,227 ha. Data as of 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      17. Scheme smallholders planted area (ha)?

      1398 - The company reports the total area under scheme smallholders as 1,398 ha. Data as of 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      18. Unplanted (areas designated for future planting) (ha)?

      280 - The company reports the total unplanted area managed for oil palm in its 2023 RSPO ACOP.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      19. Conservation set-aside area, including HCV area (ha)?

      8290 - The company reports that the total conservation area is 8,290 ha in its 2023 annual report. The RSPO ACOP 2023 reports that the company has 7,500 ha of the total conservation area. The 790 ha difference in figures is due to low-risk grassland (based on RSPO Land Use Risk Identification), swamp and low-lying areas in PT Surya Sawit Sejati included in the company's reporting but not in the ACOP.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      20. Maps of estates/management units?

      The company has submitted maps of its concessions through RSPO ACOP 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      21. Maps of all scheme smallholders?

      The company has published shapefiles of plasma scheme smallholders.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      22. Maps of all third-party supplying plantations?

      The company provides shapefiles of all third-party supplying plantations.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      23. Number of company-owned mills?

      5 - The company reports it owns 5 mills.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      24. Names and locations of company-owned mills?

      The names and locations of all five mills owned by the company are published by the company and are also available on the RSPO and GFW database.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      25. Number (or percentage) of company-owned mills that source from company-owned operations and third parties?

      The company reports that one out of the total five company-owned mills sources from own operations as well as from third parties.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      26. Reports total volumes (or percentages) sourced by company-owned mills that come from company-owned operations and third-parties?

      The company reports that four out of the five company-owned mills source 100% from company-owned operations, one mill sources 80.06% from company-owned operations, and 19.94% from third parties.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      27. Number of third party supplying mills?

      2 - The company reports two third-party supplying mills supplying CPO and PK.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      28. Names and locations of all third-party supplying mills?

      The company reports the names and locations of all direct and indirect supplying mills.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      29. Number (or percentage) of third party supplying mills that source from their own plantations and third party plantations?

      The company reports that all its direct and indirect supplying mills sourced 100% from their own plantations in 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      30. Reports total volume (or percentages) sourced from third-party supplying mills that come from the supplying mills' own operations and third parties?

      The company reports that 100% of third party mill supply comes from the third party mills' own operations.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      31. Total volume (or percentage) sourced for refineries that comes from intermediary traders and/or refiners rather than directly from mills?

      The company reports that 3.70% of the raw material sourced by the company's refinery came from certified traders/refiners and 1.08% from conventional traders/refiners in 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      32. Time-bound commitment to achieve 100% traceability to mill level?

      The company has already achieved 100% traceability to the mill level.

    • Y
      1 / 1
      1 / 1

      33. Percentage of supply traceable to mill level?

      The company states that 100% of its supply is traceable to the mill level. Additionally, the company's refinery has RSPO SCC under IP and SG.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      34. Time-bound commitment to achieve 100% traceability to plantation level?

      The company commits to achieving 100% traceability to the plantation level by the year 2024.

    • Y
      1 / 1
      1 / 1

      35. Percentage of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) supply to own mills traceable to plantation level?

      The company reports that 100% of the supply to all company-owned mills is traceable to the plantation level. Additionally, all of the company's mills have Identity Preserved certification.

    • P
      0.91 / 1
      1 / 1

      36. Percentage of supply from third-party mills traceable to plantation level?

      The company reports that 90.84% of third-party supply is traceable to the plantation level. Additional points are awarded as the company's refinery has RSPO SCC under IP and SG.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      37. Publishes traceability data at refinery level?

      [Externally verified] The company states that 100% of CPO is traceable to the plantation at the refinery level, and 90.84% of CPKO supply can be traced to the plantation level. This information is externally verified by BSI.

    • N

      38. Publishes traceability data at crusher level?

      This indicator is disabled as the company does not own palm kernel crushing facilities.

  • Certification standards/Sustainability initiatives Certification standards/Sustainability initiatives
    13.29 / 16 83.1%
    • Organisation: 1 / 1 100%
    • Policy: 3 / 3 100%
    • Practice: 9.3 / 12 77.4%
    • Self-reported: 3.3 / 12 27.4%
    • External: 6 / 12 50%
    • Certified: 0 / 12 0%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      39. Member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)?

      [Externally verified] 2004 - The company has been a member of the RSPO since 2004.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      40. RSPO-certified within three years of joining the RSPO or by November 2010, for companies joining prior to finalisation of the RSPO certification systems in November 2007?

      [Externally verified] 2008 - The company received RSPO certification in 2008.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      41. Submitted most recent RSPO Annual Communication of Progress (ACOP)?

      RSPO ACOP 2023 is submitted by the company.

    • P
      0.85 / 1

      42. Percentage of area (ha) RSPO-certified?

      85.02% - Data as of 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      43. Percentage of mills RSPO-certified?

      [Externally verified] 100% - All five company-owned mills are RSPO-certified as of 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      44. Time-bound plan for achieving 100% RSPO certification of estates and mills within 5 years?

      2025 - The company commits to achieving 100% RSPO certification of estates and mills by 2025. This is within 5 years.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      45. Time-bound plan for achieving 100% RSPO certification of all palm product processing facilities within 5 years?

      2008 - The company has already achieved 100% RSPO-certification of all palm product processing facilities.

    • N
      0 / 1

      46. Percentage of scheme smallholders (ha) RSPO-certified?

      0% - No scheme smallholders are currently certified. Data as of 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      47. Time-bound plan for achieving 100% RSPO certification of scheme/associated smallholders and outgrowers within 5 years or target already achieved?

      2025 - The company commits to achieve 100% RSPO certification of scheme/associated smallholders and outgrowers by 2025. This is within 5 years.

    • N
      0 / 1

      48. Percentage of FFB supply (tonnes) from independent smallholders/outgrowers/third-party FFB suppliers that is RSPO-certified?

      0% - No FFB from independent smallholders/out-growers/third parties is RSPO-certified in 2023.

    • P
      0.76 / 1

      49. Percentage of all palm oil and oil palm products handled/traded/processed (tonnes) that is RSPO-certified?

      76.43% - The company reports that 76.43% of its sourced palm oil was RSPO-certified in 2023.

    • P
      0.92 / 1

      50. Sells RSPO-certified palm oil through Segregated or Identity Preserved supply chains?

      The company reports 91.75% of CSPO and CSPK is sold through the Segregated and Identity Preserved supply chains in 2023.

    • P
      0.76 / 1

      51. Processes/trades RSPO-certified palm oil through Segregated or Identity Preserved supply chains?

      The company reports that 76.43% of the RSPO-certified palm oil is processed/traded through the Segregated and Identity Preserved systems in 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      52. Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certified (100%)?

      [Externally verified] All of the company's Indonesian operations are ISPO certified and the certificate is publicly available on the company website.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      53. Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certified?

      [Externally verified] All of the company's mills and estates in Malaysia are MSPO-certified.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      54. Certified under voluntary sustainability certification scheme (e.g. ISCC, SAS, RSB)?

      [Externally verified] The company's refinery, Unitata is certified under ISCC.

  • Deforestation and biodiversity Deforestation and biodiversity
    19.6 / 20 98%
    • Organisation: 2 / 2 100%
    • Policy: 12 / 12 100%
    • Practice: 5.6 / 6 93.3%
    • Self-reported: 0 / 6 0%
    • External: 3.8 / 6 62.5%
    • Certified: 1.9 / 6 30.8%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      55. Commitment to zero conversion of natural ecosystems?

      The company commits to zero conversion of natural ecosystems.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      56. Commitment to zero conversion of natural ecosystems applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to zero conversion of natural ecosystems.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      57. Commitment to zero deforestation?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have been therefore awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to zero deforestation.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      58. Commitment to zero deforestation applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to zero deforestation.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      59. Criteria and cut-off date for defining deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion?

      The company commits to no land clearing damaging primary forests or areas required to protect or enhance HCVs since November 2005, and no land clearing damaging HCVs or HCS forests since November 2018, through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company's own reporting defines deforestation as the removal of HCV areas and reports a cut-off date of 2010.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      60. Criteria and cut-off date for defining deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion in supplier operations?

      The company defines deforestation for suppliers as the removal of HCV areas and specifies any deforestation/conversion past 2010 will not be accepted in supplier operations.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      61. Evidence of monitoring deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's own reporting states to use Global Forest Watch (GFW) to monitor any forms of deforestation and /or conversion of natural ecosystems either through illegal logging or fire within its own concessions as well as suppliers' concessions. The extent of monitoring covers all of the company's concessions in Malaysia and Indonesia (63,000ha) and three direct third-party FFB suppliers to its Indonesian mill (approximately 890ha). The radius or outer ring of monitoring is 500m. has externally verified that it has conducted satellite monitoring of the polygons/legal boundaries of concessions and supplying estates for UP owned mills and the third-party supplier mills from 2020 to 2024.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      62. Evidence of monitoring deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion in supplier operations?

      [Externally verified] The company reports that it uses Global Forest Watch (GFW) to monitor deforestation for three direct third-party FFB suppliers to its Indonesian mill, covering approximately 890 ha. The outcome of monitoring is summarised on a monthly basis. The company also reports that it has collaboration with a third-party satellite monitoring database service provider, to proactively monitor deforestation and peatland development in its supplier's operations. has externally verified that it has conducted satellite monitoring of the polygons/legal boundaries of concessions and supplying estates for UP owned mills and the third-party supplier mills from 2020 to 2024.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      63. Amount of deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion recorded in own operations since cut-off date?

      0 - The company reports zero non-compliant deforestation across its operations since 2010. This information was last updated in December 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      64. Amount of deforestation and/or ecosystem conversion recorded in supplier operations since cut-off date?

      0 (0%) - The company reports zero deforestation in supplier operations since the 2010 cut-off date.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      65. Commitment to restoration of deforestation/conversion in own operations since cut-off date?

      The company commits to restore ecosystems to their prior condition in cases of conversion within its own operations.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      66. Commitment to restoration of deforestation/conversion in supplier operations since cut-off date?

      The company commits suppliers to restore ecosystems to their prior condition in cases of conversion within their own operations.

    • P
      0.75 / 1

      67. Implementing a landscape or jurisdictional level approach?

      [Externally verified] The company reports multiple examples of participating in multi-stakeholder planning and policy efforts at a landscape or jurisdictional level, some of which include the collaboration of The Lagoon (Kingham-Cooper) Tree Species Reserve, the Main Office Parks, the Sg Anak Macang Riparian Reserve and the Bek-Nielsen Sanctuary with PENAWAR HUTAN/James Kingham and community for the planting of additional trees along the length of the Sg Macang Riparian zone; collaboration with the community, LINKS, and FODEC consultants at Benaning, Kumai, to conserve rich lowland forest comprising of 11 ha called Hutan Konservasi Benaning from development by the community. However, the information reported is not externally verified.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      68. Biodiversity policy?

      The company has a biodiversity and environment policy. It reports targets to increase the number of species in concessions by 2027, with a high level action plan of how this will be achieved for each animal class and for plants.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      69. Biodiversity policy applies to all suppliers?

      The company has published a biodiversity policy which applies to all suppliers, covers multiple dimensions of biodiversity protection and extends beyond HCV/HCS/set-asides.

    • Y
      1 / 1
      0.85 / 1

      70. Identified species of conservation concern, referencing international or national system of species classification?

      Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company has also identified species of conservation concern, referencing the IUCN system of species classification.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      71. Examples of species and/or habitat conservation management?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company also reports multiple examples of habitat conservation which include working with BKSDA to conserve the species in small forest patches within the plantation landscape; and collaboration with the local authorities BKSDAE and KPHP as well as OF-UK for Indonesia's orangutan conservation efforts.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      72. Commitment to no hunting or only sustainable hunting of species?

      The company commits to only allow sustainable hunting of species by local communities for subsistence purposes in its operations.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      73. Commitment to no hunting or only sustainable hunting of species applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to only allow sustainable hunting of species by local communities for subsistence purposes in their operations.

  • HCV, HCS and impact assessments HCV, HCS and impact assessments
    10 / 10 100%
    • Organisation: 0 / 0 0%
    • Policy: 8 / 8 100%
    • Practice: 2 / 2 100%
    • Self-reported: 0 / 2 0%
    • External: 2 / 2 100%
    • Certified: 0 / 2 0%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      74. Commitment to conduct High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to conducting High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      75. Commitment to conduct High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to conduct HCV assessments.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      76. High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments for planting undertaken prior to January 2015, and associated management and monitoring plans?

      [Externally verified] An assessment and associated management and monitoring plan are available for PT Surya Sawit Sejati on the RSPO website.

    • N

      77. High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments for all estates planted/planned planting since January 2015?

      This indicator is disabled as the company has not undertaken any new planting since January 2015.

    • N

      78. High Conservation Value (HCV) or combined HCV/HCS management and monitoring plans for all estates planted/planned planting since January 2015?

      This indicator is disabled as the company has not undertaken any new planting since January 2015.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      79. Commitment to only use licensed High Conservation Value (HCV) assessors accredited by the HCV Resource Network's Assessor Licensing Scheme (ALS)?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to only use licensed High Conservation Value (HCV) assessors accredited by the HCV Resource Network's Assessor Licensing Scheme (ALS).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      80. Commitment to only use licensed High Conservation Value (HCV) assessors accredited by the HCV Resource Network's Assessor Licensing Scheme (ALS) applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to only use licensed HCV assessors accredited by the HCV Resource Network's ALS.

    • N

      81. Satisfactory review of all High Conservation Value (HCV) assessments undertaken since January 2015 by the HCV ALS Quality Panel?

      This indicator is disabled as the company has not undertaken any new planting since January 2015.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      82. Commitment to the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      83. Commitment to the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to apply the HCS Approach, as defined by the HCS Approach Toolkit.

    • N

      84. High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments available?

      This indicator is disabled as the company has not undertaken any new planting since January 2016.

    • N

      85. Peer review of all High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments undertaken since April 2015 by the HCSA Quality Assurance Process?

      This indicator is disabled as the company has not undertaken any new planting since January 2016.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      86. Commitment to conduct social and environmental impact assessments (SEIAs)?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to conducting social and environmental impact assessments (SEIAs).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      87. Commitment to conduct social and environmental impact assessments (SEIAs) applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to conduct social and environmental impact assessments.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      88. Social and environmental impact assessments (SEIAs) available, and associated management and monitoring plans?

      [Externally verified] SEIAs are included in the RSPO NPP for PT Surya Sawit Sejati.

  • Soils, fire and GHG emissions Soils, fire and GHG emissions
    19.7 / 20 98.5%
    • Organisation: 5 / 5 100%
    • Policy: 8 / 8 100%
    • Practice: 6.7 / 7 95.7%
    • Self-reported: 1 / 7 14.3%
    • External: 2 / 7 28.6%
    • Certified: 3.7 / 7 52.9%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      89. Commitment to no planting on peat of any depth?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to no planting on peat of any depth.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      90. Commitment to no planting on peat of any depth applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to no planting on peat of any depth.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      91. Landbank or planted area on peat (ha)?

      4410 (9.54%) - The company reports the total peat area as 4,410 ha or 9.54%. Data as of 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      92. Implementation of commitment to no planting on peat of any depth?

      [Externally verified] The company reports a decrease in its total peat area over time from 2020 (5,411.24 ha) to 2023 (4,410 ha). This information is externally verified by British Standards Institution (BSI).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      93. Commitment to best management practices for soils and peat?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to best management practices for soils and peat.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      94. Commitment to best management practices for soils and peat applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to best management practices for soils and peat.

    • Y
      1 / 1
      0.85 / 1

      95. Evidence of best management practices for soils and peat?

      Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's own reporting mentions maintaining water levels in peat soils and carrying out peat drainability assessments in its peat areas. For soil, the company reports setting up erosion monitoring plots to understand the dynamics of soil, water, and nutrient loss as well as providing plant nutrients to the soil by recycling pruned fronds and using empty fruit bunches on land.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      96. Commitment to zero burning?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to zero burning.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      97. Commitment to zero burning applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to zero burning.

    • Y
      1 / 1
      0.85 / 1

      98. Evidence of fire monitoring and management?

      Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's reporting mentions having fire watch towers and using the GFW monitoring system to receive fire alerts when there is fire occurrence within the estate territory and 500m of the outer rings. The company also reports that it has an Emergency Response Team (ERT), well-trained and equipped with all necessary equipment for fire management.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      99. Details/number of hotspots/fires in company estates?

      The company reports 25.79 ha burnt due to fire incidents in its estates in 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      100. Details/number of hotspots/fires within surrounding landscape/smallholders?

      0 - The company reports no fire incidents in the outer ring (<500m (Ha)) of its estates in 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      101. Time-bound commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity?

      The company reports a commitment to reduce GHG emissions intensity by 66% by the year 2030 when compared to 2004 levels (with iLUC and nature conservation). This includes scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      102. GHG emissions intensity?

      The company reports the emission intensity as 1.36 kg CO2 eq/kg NDB oil in 2023. Figures include scope 1 and scope 2 emissions.

    • N

      103. GHG emissions from land use change in company's own operations (scope 1)?

      This indicator is disabled as the company has not undertaken any new planting since January 2015.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      104. GHG emissions from land use change in supplier operations (scope 3)?

      The company reports scope 3 emissions from Indirect Land Use Changes (iLUC) as 0.28 (kg CO2 eq per kg of NBD palm oil) in 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      105. Progress towards commitment to reduce GHG emissions intensity?

      [Externally verified] The company reports GHG emissions intensity (kg CO2 eq/kg NDB oil) for 2020 (1.51), 2021 (1.44), 2022 (1.44), and 2023 (1.36) and the intensity decreased in 2023 as compared to the previous years. This information is externally verified by LCA consultants- Jannick Schmidt, Lara Serena, and Jonas Eliassen, Denmark.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      106. Methodology used to calculate GHG emissions?

      The RSPO requires companies to assess their GHG emissions through the Palm GHG calculator. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company's reporting mentions using the Stepwise 2006 method, version 1.7 to calculate GHG emissions.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      107. Percentage of mills with methane capture (100%)?

      The company reports that all five company-owned mills have methane capturing facilities.

  • Water, chemical and pest management Water, chemical and pest management
    23.9 / 25 95.6%
    • Organisation: 2 / 2 100%
    • Policy: 11 / 11 100%
    • Practice: 10.9 / 12 90.8%
    • Self-reported: 0.8 / 12 6.3%
    • External: 2.8 / 12 22.9%
    • Certified: 7.4 / 12 61.7%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      108. Time-bound commitment to improve water use intensity?

      The company reports a commitment to reduce its mill water consumption by 10% in 2025 compared with the average of 1.6 MT water/MT FFB in 2020.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      109. Water use intensity?

      The company reports the water use intensity for its Malaysian operations as 1.7MT water/MT FFB processed and for Indonesian operations as 1.2MT water/MT FFB processed in 2023.

    • P
      0.75 / 1

      110. Progress towards commitment on water use intensity?

      [Externally verified] The company reports water use intensity for its mills over the last three years (2021-2023), however, the intensity (MT water/MT FFB processed) for its Malaysian operations has increased in 2023 (1.7) as compared to 2022 and 2021(1.5) and for the Indonesian operations, the intensity is the same from 2021 to 2023 (1.2). This information is externally verified by British Standards Institution (BSI).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      111. Time-bound commitment to improve water quality (BOD and COD)?

      The company reports a commitment to reduce the BOD and COD by 10% from the respective average of 550 and 2200 mg/L in 2021, by 2025.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      112. Progress towards commitment on water quality (BOD and COD)?

      [Externally verified] The BOD levels of all company mills are within legal limits as of 2023. Information is externally verified in RSPO audit reports available for each mill.

    • Y
      1 / 1
      0.85 / 1

      113. Treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME)?

      Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's reporting also mentions that the palm oil mill effluent and palm oil refinery effluent are treated in treatment ponds to reduce their BOD and COD contents before they are used to irrigate the oil palm fields.

    • P
      0.75 / 1

      114. Treatment of palm oil refinery effluent (PORE)?

      The company reports that the palm oil refinery effluent is treated in treatment ponds to reduce its BOD and COD contents before it is used to irrigate the oil palm fields. However, the information reported is not externally verified.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      115. Commitment to protect natural waterways through buffer zones?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to protect natural waterways through buffer zones.

    • Y
      1 / 1
      0.85 / 1

      116. Implementation of commitment to protect natural waterways through buffer zones?

      Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      117. Commitment to minimise the use of chemicals, including pesticides and chemical fertilisers?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to minimise the use of chemicals, including pesticides and chemical fertilisers.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      118. Commitment to minimise the use of chemicals, including pesticides and chemical fertilisers, applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to minimise the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      119. Commitment to no use of paraquat?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to no use of paraquat.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      120. Commitment to no use of paraquat applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to not use paraquat.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      121. Commitment to no use of World Health Organisation (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to no use of World Health Organisation (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      122. Commitment to no use of World Health Organisation (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to not use World Health Organisation (WHO) Class 1A and 1B pesticides.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      123. Commitment to no use of chemicals listed under the Stockholm Convention and Rotterdam Convention?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      124. Commitment to no use of chemicals listed under the Stockholm Convention and Rotterdam Convention applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits suppliers to not use Stockholm and Rotterdam Convention chemicals.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      125. Chemical usage per ha or list of chemicals used?

      The company reports chemical usage per tonne of palm oil produced for each fertiliser nutrient as well as an overall figure of 0.74 kg pesticides/herbicides used per tonne of oil palm produced in 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1
      0.85 / 1

      126. Implementation of commitment to minimise inorganic fertiliser use?

      Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's reporting reflects an increase in the use of pesticides/herbicides in 2023 (0.74 kg) as compared to 2022 (0.62 kg).

    • Y
      1 / 1
      0.85 / 1

      127. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach?

      Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's reporting also states using the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach which includes the use of biological insecticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis to minimise collateral damage on beneficial insects in the field as well as to reduce dependency on chemical insecticides.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      128. Waste management system in place to avoid negative impacts?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company also reports having a waste management system in place to avoid negative impacts.

  • Community, land and labour rights Community, land and labour rights
    33.75 / 34 99.3%
    • Organisation: 4 / 4 100%
    • Policy: 21 / 21 100%
    • Practice: 8.8 / 9 97.2%
    • Self-reported: 0 / 9 0%
    • External: 8.8 / 9 97.2%
    • Certified: 0 / 9 0%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      129. Commitment to human rights?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      130. Commitment to human rights applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits suppliers to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      131. Progress on human rights commitment?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's reporting mentions a partnership with "Dignity in Work for All", a social rights NGO formerly known as Verité Southeast Asia, to identify and address any weaknesses within its operations, where human rights due diligence is conducted annually. Additionally, the company also conducts regular briefings on its Human Rights Policy for all employees to raise awareness of this important right.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      132. Commitment to respect Indigenous Peoples' and local communities' rights?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      133. Commitment to respect Indigenous Peoples' and local communities' rights applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits suppliers to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      134. Commitment to respect legal and customary land tenure rights?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to respect legal and customary land tenure rights.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      135. Commitment to respect legal and customary land rights applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits suppliers to respect legal and customary land tenure rights.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      136. Commitment to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC)?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      137. Commitment to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to respect FPIC.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      138. Details of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) process available?

      The RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018 contain guidance and requirements on the process to conduct free, prior and informed consent (FPIC). Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company's reporting also details the process of free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC).

    • P
      0.75 / 1

      139. Examples of local stakeholder engagement to prevent conflicts?

      [Externally verified] The company has multiple RSPO audit reports with examples of stakeholder meetings with local communities but does not explain how they prevent conflicts. The company's own reporting states that since 2010, it has conducted participatory mapping and established a dedicated HUMAS Team under the Legal Department to conduct regular socialisation on land use and developments to prevent any conflicts with the surrounding communities.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      140. Details of process for addressing land conflicts available?

      The RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018 contain requirements for addressing land conflicts. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company has also published a standard operating procedure for addressing land conflicts.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      141. Supports the inclusion of women across palm oil operations, including addressing barriers faced?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      142. Commitment to mitigate impacts on food security?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to mitigate impacts on food security.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      143. Progress on commitment to mitigate impacts on food security?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      144. Commitment to provide essential community services and facilities?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to providing essential community services and facilities.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      145. Progress on commitment to provide essential community services and facilities?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's reporting mentions providing education, infrastructure investment and support, and hospitals for local communities.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      146. Commitment to provide business/work opportunities for local communities?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to providing job opportunities for local communities.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      147. Commitment to Fundamental ILO Conventions or Free and Fair Labour Principles?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      148. Commitment to Fundamental ILO Conventions or Free and Fair Labour Principles applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits suppliers to the Free and Fair Labour principles. The company also commits suppliers to the fundamental elements of the ILO Convention, but does not clearly commit to all Fundamental ILO Conventions. Elsewhere it commits suppliers to the Fundamental International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions as ratified by the countries in which it operates. Malaysia has not ratified these convention and therefore the commitment does not cover all operations.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      149. Progress on commitment to respect all workers' rights?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      150. Commitment to eliminate gender related discrimination with regards to employment?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to eliminate gender-related discrimination with regard to employment.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      151. Commitment to eliminate gender related discrimination with regards to employment applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to prevent employment-related discrimination based on gender.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      152. Progress on commitment to eliminate gender related discrimination with regards to employment?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank.

    • N

      153. Percentage or number of temporary employees?

      This indicator is disabled as the company has no temporary employees.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      154. Reports gender balance of employees?

      807 (12.18%) - The company reports 807 or 12.18% women employees in 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      155. Commitment to pay a living wage?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to pay a Living Wage.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      156. Commitment to pay a living wage applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to pay a Living Wage to all workers.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      157. Progress on commitment to pay a living wage?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's own reporting mentions working with several large growers in the industry to engage Monash University for a fair and decent wage assessment and provides evidence that all workers are paid more than the legal minimum wages in Malaysia and Indonesia.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      158. Reporting of salary by gender?

      The company reports salary by gender; the ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men for each employee category, by significant locations of operation.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      159. Commitment to address occupational health and safety?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its commitment to address occupational health and safety.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      160. Commitment to address occupational health and safety applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to address health and safety at work for all workers.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      161. Provision of personal protective equipment and related training?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's reporting mentions that training programmes in the use of personal protective equipment for workers exposed to hazardous compounds are regularly conducted.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      162. Time lost due to work-based injuries?

      The company reports a Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 5.38 and 115.20 accidents per million man-hours in 2023 for its Malaysian and Indonesian operations, respectively.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      163. Number of fatalities as a result of work-based accidents?

      0 - The company reports no occupational-related fatal accidents within its Malaysian and Indonesian operations in 2023.

  • Smallholders and suppliers Smallholders and suppliers
    14.25 / 16 89.1%
    • Organisation: 0 / 0 0%
    • Policy: 5 / 6 83.3%
    • Practice: 9.3 / 10 92.5%
    • Self-reported: 2.3 / 10 22.5%
    • External: 7 / 10 70%
    • Certified: 0 / 10 0%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      164. Commitment to support smallholders?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to support smallholders.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      165. Programme to support scheme smallholders?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's reporting mentions having a plasma scheme where it helps smallholders develop their land, including land preparation, for the cultivation of oil palms. The Company provides the smallholders with sufficient resources and is committed to buying their FFB at government-determined rates. To assist them further, it also provides vital training on plantation management practices and financial arrangements.

    • P
      0.75 / 1

      166. Percentage of scheme smallholders involved in programme?

      853 - The company reports as of December 2023, 1,377.08 ha of plasma have been developed for 853 plasma scheme smallholders and another approximately 150 ha is expected to be provided and developed for the communities surrounding the company's properties in 2024. However, the information reported is not externally verified.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      167. Programme to support independent smallholders?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's own reporting mentions continuously engaging with smallholders on an annual basis through the Smallholder's Field Day where it invites smallholders from local districts to visit the company's plantations to get a better understanding of good agricultural practices, sustainability initiatives, and environmental protection. They are given training sessions in the safe handling of pesticides with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), effective use of pre-emergent herbicides for less chemical usage, integrated pest management (IPM), and mechanised harvesting in order to assist them with their agricultural interests.

    • P
      0.75 / 1

      168. Percentage of independent smallholders/outgrowers involved in programme?

      134 (89%) - The company reports that the Smallholder's Field Day for 2021, 2022, and 2023 was deferred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in 2019, 134 or 89% of smallholders attended the Smallholders Field Day. The information reported is not externally verified.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      169. Process used to prioritise, assess and/or engage suppliers on compliance with company's policy and/or legal requirements?

      The company reports it engages with the suppliers through conducting meetings, self-assessment questionnaires (SAQ), supplier audits, and on-site verifications on an annual basis.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      170. Number or percentage of suppliers assessed and/or engaged on compliance with company's policy and/or legal requirements?

      [Externally verified] 17 (100%) - The company reports that 100% of its suppliers have been self-assessed on the key elements of responsible sourcing in 2023. This information is externally verified by British Standards Institution (BSI).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      171. Suspension or exclusion criteria for suppliers?

      The company requests for suppliers to implement corrective measures using a 60-day time-bound action plan. If the supplier is still unable/unwilling to conform to the company's policy then the relationship is terminated.

    • P
      0.5 / 1

      172. Time-bound action plans (including Key Performance Indicators) for suppliers to be in compliance with palm oil sourcing commitments?

      The company states that if any suppliers violate or breach the policies or supplier code of conduct, they shall immediately be requested for implementing corrective measures with a 60 days time-bound action plan, however, if a supplier is unable or unwilling to take the necessary actions to conform to the expectations outlined in the company's own policy, the last resort would be to terminate the commercial relationship with the supplier. However, compliance is determined based on self-assessment by suppliers only.

    • P
      0.75 / 1

      173. Proportion of supply from suppliers that is verified as deforestation- and/or conversion-free (DCF)?

      The company reports that in 2023, 86.6% of third-party FFB supply was DCF as generated by NDPE IRF V5.8.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      174. Time-bound plan to engage with all high risk mills within 3 years?

      The company currently has no high-risk suppliers. Data as of 2023.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      175. Programme to support high risk mills to become compliant with sourcing policies?

      [Externally verified] The company reports that if a supplier in its supply chain is categorized as high-risk based on the Self Assessment Questionnaire, the company will conduct on-site assessments and engage with the supplier to agree to a reasonable time-bound action plan including a further engagement to improve their SAQ score, and thereby meet company's Responsible Palm Oil Sourcing Policy requirements and commitments. This information is externally verified by British Standards Institution (BSI).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      176. Regularly engages with a subset of high risk mills?

      [Externally verified] The company currently has no high-risk mills, however, it provides examples of engagement in the past with non-compliance to its sustainable palm oil policy for mills and has a procedure for engaging high-risk mills when they are identified through the self-assessment questionnaire. This information is externally verified by British Standards Institution (BSI).

    • P
      0.5 / 1

      177. Procedures in place to assess all own and third party supplying palm oil mills for risk level?

      The company states its risk assessment for suppliers is based on self-assessment by suppliers only.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      178. Regularly assesses and categorises the risk level of all their own and third party supplying mills?

      [Externally verified] The company reports that all supplying mills are regularly assessed on an annual basis for risk level. This information is externally verified by British Standards Institution (BSI).

    • Y
      1 / 1

      179. Regularly reports the risk level of all own and third party supplying mills identified in its supply chain?

      [Externally verified] The company reports the risk level of all mills on an annual basis. As of 2023, the company has 0% medium and high-risk suppliers. This information is externally verified by British Standards Institution (BSI).

  • Governance and grievances Governance and grievances
    7 / 7 100%
    • Organisation: 0 / 0 0%
    • Policy: 5 / 5 100%
    • Practice: 2 / 2 100%
    • Self-reported: 0 / 2 0%
    • External: 2 / 2 100%
    • Certified: 0 / 2 0%
    • Y
      1 / 1

      180. Commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption?

      The company makes this commitment through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also reports its own commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      181. Commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption applies to all suppliers?

      The company commits all suppliers to ethical conduct and the prohibition of corruption.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      182. Progress on commitment to ethical conduct and prohibition of corruption?

      [Externally verified] Points for external verification have been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank. The company's own reporting also mentions providing anti-bribery training and states that the Internal Audit Manager has been appointed as the competent person responsible for anticorruption compliance matters.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      183. Disclosure of the company's management approach to tax and payments to governments?

      The company has published a comprehensive tax risk management policy and mentions the position responsible for the tax policy and its review.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      184. Whistleblowing procedure?

      The RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018 contain guidance and requirements on whistleblowing procedures. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also has its whistleblowing policy, however, it does not include a flowchart or clear description of steps taken by the company.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      185. Own grievance or complaints system open to all stakeholders?

      The company adheres to this criteria through the RSPO Principles and Criteria 2018. Full points have therefore been awarded on the basis of the company's RSPO-certified landbank (>75%) and a further commitment to be 100% certified within 5 years. The company also has its grievance redressal procedure for internal and external stakeholders.

    • Y
      1 / 1

      186. Details of complaints and grievances disclosed?

      [Externally verified] The company has disclosed the details of complaints and grievances received through the company's own grievance mechanism.

Media monitor: United Plantations Bhd

SPOTT monitors global media sources for coverage of assessed companies. The media monitor gathers reports about specific activities related to the assessment indicator categories. ZSL does not assess or score the validity of media coverage, but users can explore the media monitor to provide context on implementation, and infer risks associated with reported operations on the ground. The media monitor undergoes a full update at the time of publishing an assessment round, with ad-hoc updates throughout the year. This is not an exhaustive list of all media reports relevant to the company.

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SPOTT is a ZSL initiative.
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)