We would like to invite you to provide feedback to us on the SPOTT Palm Oil indicator framework ahead of the 2024 assessments.
To ensure SPOTT continues to align with best practice reporting standards, we have made two significant changes this year:
- Indicators relating to map data of: company owned estates/management units, scheme smallholders, and third-party supplying plantations must be either georeferenced maps or polygon data for full points. Static maps with coordinates will now score partial points. This affects indicators #20, #21, #22.
- GHG emissions intensity indicators will now apply to traders with physical position of traded product. This affects indicators #101, #102, #105, #106.
We have also edited some indicators either in response to previous feedback, or to align better with our indicator frameworks for Timber and Pulp and Natural Rubber, as well the Aligning Palm Trader Performance Assessment: Aligned question list. Alignment with these questions is shown in column J.
Please download and review the indicator framework and fill in the ‘Reviewer comments’ column (column Q) with any feedback. We welcome feedback on any/all indicators and have highlighted new indicators and indicators with a change to the scoring criteria in column H and our comments in column I.
Please return the attached Indicator Framework document with your feedback by Monday 15 April to imogen.fanning@zsl.org.